Ryan Kroboth

Ryan Kroboth

Growing up as a child of the 80s, Ryan Kroboth did what most young children his age do: attempt to emulate his favorite cartoons and video games in order to make his own. With a seemingly never ending shortage of crayons he did just that.

This past time nurtured the inner artist found in every child. Eventually his focus naturally turned to comics, a medium with limitations only bound by imagination. The unique challenge of storytelling in comics has kept him there since.

This self-taught Pennslyvania resident is currently working on a graphic novel titled Sunmaker with UK writer Liam Hayes. He also has a satirical art book, Game Over!, in the works.

When not drawing in his studio, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Jamie Wiley, who is an amazing graphic designer and a crack shot with a sniper on her Xbox. He also holds a third degree black belt in Sa-Gi-Do.